From Central California and Northern England, two aspiring writers natter and share a blog. We like to talk about our disparate but oh-so-similar lives, offer opinions on literature and movies... and endlessly reminisce about Bioware RPG's.

We hope you haven't had enough of our disingenuous assertions. If you have, please don't hit us.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Bioware's Countdown

I hate the countdowns the video game industry have used repeatedly to drum up hype for things that just end up disappointing people. When I heard that Bioware threw one up across their various websites, I sighed.

I sighed because I'm such a big fan of Bioware that this actually excites me. But what could it possibly be? The various sites bill it as a "Countdown to an epic Bioware community event." Not sure what that could mean. I don't even have any guesses.

At first, I thought it was going to be an announcement for some new game or DLC, but the community wouldn't have anything to do with that. Could it?

As I write this, the clock has 5 hours and 14 minutes remaining. So, by the time I wake up for school tomorrow, this thing will be done and I will either be shocked or crestfallen by the time my archaeology class rolls around. Bioware have done a lot lately to make me think that it's expanding toward horizons of...awesome? But so far they've only been awesome within the confines of what they've always done.

Mass Effect 2 = Awesome
Dragon Age: Origins = Double Awesome/Top 10 Most Favorite Games
ME 2 DLC = Meh
DA:O DLC = Meh
DA:O - Awakening = Good, but no point/Possible Cash Grab

Only time will tell what Bioware has in store for its fans in 5 hours. Hopefully it's not more disappointment.


(Click To Enlarge)

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