From Central California and Northern England, two aspiring writers natter and share a blog. We like to talk about our disparate but oh-so-similar lives, offer opinions on literature and movies... and endlessly reminisce about Bioware RPG's.

We hope you haven't had enough of our disingenuous assertions. If you have, please don't hit us.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mass Effect(s)?

I'll keep in mind that this is only a job posting, but it seems that EA is trying to snag BioWare a "multiplayer programmer" who can "take existing single player user experiences and make them multiplayer safe." What can that mean? I dunno. It could mean any number of things.

This does not necessarily apply to Mass Effect 3 per se; it could also mean Dragon Age might get itself some co-op in some form. Buuuut, I'm gonna go ahead and fancy a guess that if this is true, it's probably for Mass Effect 3.

So, again, what does it all mean? We could get co-op, or perhaps some of the standard multiplayer modes like deathmatch and so on. We could get interactive aspects like Fable II had. Now...this could work. But should it work? I'm not sure. Part of me loathes the idea, because I'm not sure how they'll apply it. But who knows? BioWare is currently in charge of two MMOs right now (Warhammer Online and The Old Republic), so they might have some creative ideas on that front. We'll have to wait and see if this pans out.

What do you think?


1 comment:

  1. That's a very, very creepy line-up in the picture! Looks like their police mugshots.
