From Central California and Northern England, two aspiring writers natter and share a blog. We like to talk about our disparate but oh-so-similar lives, offer opinions on literature and movies... and endlessly reminisce about Bioware RPG's.

We hope you haven't had enough of our disingenuous assertions. If you have, please don't hit us.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Hear Me Out - Dragon Age II: Legacy

"Call me Captain Kirkwall."

It's odd that Dragon Age: Origins had such a profound effect on me -but it totally did. Wandering Ferelden as one of the last Grey Wardens in the nation, trying to save the world with a group of companions that happened to include a perpetually-smashed dwarf and a witch that Ayn Rand would probably wink at was just an amazing experience. One of the best in my gaming life this side of Knights of the Old Republic.

All this to say: Dragon Age II is still pissing me off. I didn't think it was possible to be so frustrated over a video game for so long, but here we are, what, almost four months since release? I'm still peeved! I look at my little "shrine" where I have my copies of KotOR I & II, my Darth Revan action figures (Thank you, Chris!), and my first copy of DA:O, and I wonder... Why isn't DA2 up there?! How, in the name of all that is excellent did the sequel to one of my most favorite games become something worth getting rid of?! Bioware, I can't believe you've done this!

To my credit, I did play the game twice to make sure, and the decision was made: I don't like Dragon Age 2. Not strictly because it was an average game, but because it was a terrible sequel. It lacked the polish that BioWare games are known for (recycled dungeons), it completely kicked fans of the first game to the curb ("Who the f**k is the Warden?"), and had probably one of the worst endings in the history of ever.

I could go on, but I won't. So how does a fan of DA:O, who ultimately feels stiffed by BioWare's recent antics in the realm of Thedas, react to a new add-on for DA2 that supposedly addresses fan complaints concerning the game? My first question is: Which complaint? There are so many they're practically Legion. But, in any case, it's sort of a weird situation, and I guess whether or not I actually buy it will depend on a few things: primarily the reactions from people on the official forums (who, like me, are still up in arms); if BioWare pleases that crowd, then they must have done something very right.

Another thing would be the price point. I don't want to sink another 15 to 20 dollars into a game in the hopes of finding some redeeming value in the DLC. I'm not necessarily saying that they should give it away for free (though that would certainly be a great gesture to their fanbase), but I'm hoping they slap a reasonable number on there. And the rest is all in the details, I guess.

In truth, I really do hope that BioWare has been serious about this. I want this to do good, and be some sort of pseudo-redemption for the company and for the franchise. A ridiculous standard to hold it to, I guess, but that really is what it has to be for me. It has to be good if I'm ever going to be excited about Dragon Age ever again. It has to blow my preconceptions about it out of the water, and it has to prove that BioWare really have been listening.

But while I continue to hope, Obsidian is close to putting out an add-on that I'll be buying immediately. So there's that.


  1. I also wouldn't expect them to put it out for free - but I am extremely hesitant about paying to play more Dragon Age 2.

    I think I'd require an overhauled ending - it would be an extraordinary piece of DLC. I am very curious to see how this thing will 'address fans' concerns', but it would have to be phenomenal to address mine!

  2. "I think I'd require an overhauled ending"

    Dragon Age: Broken Lyrium?

    I'd suggest you just give up on Dragon Age 2. I think Legacy'll be more of an attempt to get EA a few quid than something resembling the attractive beast of a connected storyline that Obsidian have cooked up for their DLC.

  3. I'm not really expecting the DLC to fix anything at all, frankly. Certainly not counting on it to save the game.

  4. I really want to know what they meant by "this will address some fan concerns." How is this supposed to fix the worst things that are wrong with the game? Like how boring and predictable the combat is, how your decisions mean nothing, the terrible character model design(I'm not even talking about Fenris here, but how much lower res the darkspawn in this are compared to the first game), the fact that the huge city of Kirkwall looks like the back alley of a couple of small neighborhoods in medieval Iran.

    Oh right, it's marketing BS. Knight, you have reason to be angry, so do I and so does anyone who shelled 60.00 US on this and got crap.
