From Central California and Northern England, two aspiring writers natter and share a blog. We like to talk about our disparate but oh-so-similar lives, offer opinions on literature and movies... and endlessly reminisce about Bioware RPG's.

We hope you haven't had enough of our disingenuous assertions. If you have, please don't hit us.

Monday, March 7, 2011

BioWare Release: Dragon Age 2

It's been arguably one of the shortest sequel turnarounds ever, but, to me, it's felt like forever. I love Dragon Age. I love the world of Thedas, I love the characters, I love the story BioWare allowed me to create for myself through Dragon Age: Origins. Hell, even the books were pretty good! (Well, they were okay.)

Tonight, Dragon Age: Two gets released in North 'Merica at midnight. I'll be there, waiting to get my hands on the "BioWare Signature Edition" so's I can jump back into where I left off. It goes without saying, this sequel has to live up to some very unfair standards; and on top of that, has to deal with all of the preconceptions (rage) that have been building up since the sequel was announced.

I'm not happy about Hawke, I'm not happy about the singular dungeon that the game supposedly has, I'm not happy that I can't customize my party's armor and weaponry, and I'm not happy that if this game flops, it'll be a very long wait for a sequel.

Dragon Age: Origins is one of my most favorite games, bested only by KotOR and World of Warcraft out of the long line of titles that I've played in my twenty-two years of gaming. I really think BioWare took too many steps in the wrong direction when they planned out this sequel, and it's been tough to watch one of the premier RPG creators in the industry make a conscious decision to stop making the kind of games that made the company such a hit in this industry in the first place.

I paint a grim picture (it's a hobby), but I've yet to play anything beyond the demo. As of writing this, there are nine hours remaining until the game launches. From there, I'll probably keep playing until daybreak, sleep, and then get right back at it. A review will probably be up here and Amazon within the week. Until then, my fingers are still crossed.

Here's lookin' at you, BioWare. >.<

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