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Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Mr. Buch Gives An Interview
hates the farmers,
mass effect,
mister buch,
mock effect
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Knight's Game of the Year: Twenty-'leven Edition
Now, while I got to play my fair share of these games, there are many, many, many that I didn't play, given my inherent lack of a PS3. So if you don't see something that should be on the list, it's probably because I haven't played it. Or maybe I didn't like it! Gotta take that into account. But anyway, let's go!
My friends and I each bought this game for $2.50. We figured it would be a fun game to mess around with for a little bit, since we were in dire need of some multiplayer action at the time. From the looks of it, you wouldn't think you could get very much mileage out of it. After all, it's a side-scroller with visuals about on par with Super Mario World, and your primary goal is to simply dig and build when you can.
But there's something to be said for "simple," seeing how I've personally put about 38 hours into this game. Since the world is randomly generated and retains whatever changes are made (i.e. your tunnels, houses, signs, places where you experimented with dynamite, etc.), there's a personal feeling about it. Your world really feels like your world, and you're given a plethora of tools to ensure that it stays that way. Treasure chests are randomly placed throughout the world, containing random items of random rarity. (Random is the keyword here.) Just digging straight down feels like an adventure, and finding that illusive demonite ore deposit to craft that armor set you've been craving can be very, very rewarding.
If you want to progress through the game, Terraria makes you work for it. The best weapons and armor in the game are earned, not found - and the accessories are abnormally fun to use. My favorite being an antigravity potion that allows you to effectively give Newton the middle finger and send yourself hurdling into space. The game is just fun, and the definition of what a sandbox game should be. You can spend hours making a stairway into space, a house made of gold, or exploring the depths of your world looking for that next boss or that next rare item. It's your choice, really.
I never see myself as a competitive gamer until I boot up one of the Battlefield games, then I'm instantly that guy you don't want to hear over your headset. But I really do love the series. Going all the way back to Battlefield 1942, the gameplay is some of the most enjoyable of any multiplayer game I've played this side of the MMO scene. Battlefield 3 doesn't necessarily bring anything dramatically new to the table, but it more or less consolidated everything that was fun about the series into one package and wrapped it up with some of the best visuals I've ever seen in a game. (On the Xbox 360, at least.)
The campaign, while fun, was nothing to write home about. But the multiplayer is something I'll likely return to frequently until the next game is released. Any multiplayer game that allows you to take down other players with a repair tool, or to snipe them out of the cockpit of a helicopter, or get first place without killing anyone is a game that's all right by me.
It also lets you jump off a cliff and descend by parachute (or, in my case, by HUMVEE) into your opponents' base. Righteous.
I had pretty much written BioWare off before I got my hands on the beta for this game. At the time, I saw no reason to support a company that, in my opinion, has kicked RPG progress in the wrong direction ever since the release of Mass Effect. But I didn't want to turn down a free chance to see how BW approached the universe/story surrounding one of my most favorite games of all time.
Basically... they did a pretty good job. It's like the BioWare that first got me so enthralled with the Star Wars Expanded Universe made the move down to Austin after KotOR and have been hard at work crafting a several sequels ever since. This game is essentially a multiplayer version of KotOR, which definitely brings with it some downsides, but also brings some crazy upsides, as well. The game employs a system akin to Dragon Age: Origins, so each class has its own unique storyline. The worlds are beautiful, the lore is weaved throughout every single quest, and the role-playing elements, while not as in-depth, are certainly a massive improvement over BioWare's usual formula.
The game is not perfect (it's still a WoW-like MMO at its core), and it's no substitute for what KotOR 3 might have been, but it comes damn close. If this game tipped its hat to the two KotOR games much more, its... eh... something, something hat analogy.
The state of RPGs seemed to be in a sad state with DX:HR came along, a game reintroduced choice and consequence back into a genre that had seemingly forgotten what that meant. To me, choice is more than whether or not to kick a guy out a window or pushing him against the wall. Human Revolution totally gets that, throwing choice after choice at the player pretty much every chance that it gets. And some aren't even explicitly outlined.
Missions will often assign you one task, provide an alternative, imply another, and then leave yet another alternative open for you to discover on your own. Toss in a competent and intelligent story that plays at social commentary and just might get you questioning your own humanity, a cast of characters that are a joy to unravel, and visuals that will make you want to stop and stare - and you have a recipe for one of the best RPGs of the last few years. It's not perfect (those goddamn boss fights), but given this is the first game released by a brand new company, it's an amazing accomplishment.
I wouldn't call anything Bethesda releases a video game; they're commitments, experience generators, life simulators. An entity that has successfully managed to make every little thing you do feel like an adventure. I can't tell you how many times just making the decision to turn left instead right resulted in some awe-inspiring discovery or some lengthy excursion into the unknown.
And that's what forms the core of the game. DX:HR focuses on choice, Fallout: New Vegas focuses on player agency, Skyrim focuses on adventure. It's crafted a beautiful, immersive, and dynamic world around this, constantly going out of its way to exploit that thrill of discovery that we all feel in one way or another. Skyrim asks you to blaze your own trail through this land it's provided you, and it's a testament to its scope that Buch and I have been playing quite a bit, and we hardly ever have identical experiences to share.
To quote a PC Gamer review:
"While everyone else is faffing around with how to control and restrict the player, Bethesda just put a fucking country in a box."
Okay, gimme a sec to explain this one.
The first Dead Space will probably end up being one my all-time top ten favs. Why? I'm still kind of thinking it over. At the time, it was one of the most terrifying/immersive games I had played. It wasn't enough that it was scary; the developers had to push the envelope in some way. Their way of doing that was to create an entire sci-fi universe around the main character, complete with 500 years' worth of history, its own religion, economy, etc. And this was a game that took place almost entirely on one ship! I really got the feeling that there actually was an entire civilization out there beyond my tiny little part of the galaxy.
Not only that, but the story of the U.S.G. Ishimura was a terrifying one, exposed to the player almost entirely through text/voice logs and trails of blood. Terrifying, but good, and the atmosphere never lets up.
Dead Space 2 isn't as claustrophobic as its predecessor, but it's just as terrifying, creative, and immersive. It's also a little more personal, since the main character, Isaac Clarke, is actually given a personality and a voice this time around. His story was one that I very much wanted to see through to the end. His emotional struggle in the wake of past events (the first Dead Space) is one that you don't see too often in video games. It makes him seem, dare I say, human instead of your typical action hero.
It's just not too often you get a game where the main character is attempting to cope with what happened in the last game.
The DS universe is also expanded upon, resulting in a most excellent setting: the Sprawl, a massive space station/city built around the shard of one of Saturn's moons. DS2 isn't a free-roaming game, but it kinda feels like one. There are no loading screens unless you die, and the city is always visible outside. There's a sense of cohesiveness that only adds to the experience.
The game is basically what you'd get if Resident Evil and Mass Effect had a kid. An immersive, hard sci-fi experience that is constantly trying to provoke an emotional response out of you is my kind of game. You might laugh, you might cry (there are some genuine heartfelt moments here, however infrequent), but you'll probably just end up being terrified. It was an expertly-paced, emotional roller-coaster through a fantastic sci-fi setting, sporting one of the more characterized protagonists to come along in some time - so it gets game of the year from me.
Honorable Mentions:
-Fallout: New Vegas - Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, Lonesome Road
-The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (Haven't finished it yet, or else it'd be on this list.)
-Dead Island
-Warhammer 40k: Space Marine
-Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3
-L.A. Noire
Dishonorable/Obligatory Mention:
-Dragon Age 2
Happy New Year to everyone! Here's to another great year of gaming on the horizon. =D
February 7th - Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning
March 6th - Mass Effect 3
March 27 - Dragon's Dogma
April 24 - Prototype 2
June 30 - Borderlands 2
TBA - Alan Wake's American Nightmare
TBA - Assassin's Creed 3
TBA - Bioshock: Infinite
TBA - Diablo III
TBA - South Park: The Game
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