Knightfall and I have just created Darth Malak's personal Facebook fan-page!
Here, the Man Who Would Be Ruler of the Galaxxxeeeeee will keep his many fans, admirers and colour-co-ordinated Sith Apprentices informed on his doings, comings and goings, and his breathy whinings.
It's not exactly a secret that Knightfall and I are big, big fans of masterpiece RPG Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and Malak is a big part of that. He's bald, he's got a big, metal jaw, he's evil, he has a red cape. He thinks he can destroy a planet by bombing it from one position. He's awesome.
Hero. Villain. Saviour. Lover of brightly-coloured jumpsuits. He is all things to all men. But, in the end... he is nothinnnnnnnnnng without your support.
If you love old Malak too, why not 'become a fan' (if not an evil disciple of the Sith) and see what he's up to these days. Has he recovered from his humiliating defeat? Does he still have an army of ninjas? Does he still keep long-haired guys in glass tubes? Now's your chance to find out!
We've just now started the page, but be assured:
This is but a taste of the daaaaaaark siiiiiiiiiiide!
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