A few things happened that sort of put a halt to my fanfiction writing:
1) School started up. Nothing puts the kibosh on writing faster than learning about frescoes and the Vitruvian Man.
2) Whatever spare time I've had between school, schoolwork, work, and traveling, I've given over to the writing of my second novel. I'm really excited about it for a few reasons. For the first time, I'm writing something that 100% belongs to me. When I was writing fantasy, I had to borrow concepts from other authors to progress the story along, but now I'm borrowing from my own life. My love of religion, exploration, and dissection of identity. It's all gonna be in there.
Hoping it doesn't suck, but I don't think that's the case so far. It might be boring, but it probably doesn't suck. And here's my progress so far, BAM:
3) Finally, I'm sort of burned out on most of the things I've been writing for. Mass Effect and Star Wars have been kind to me, but it's been hard to even think about either of them lately. This will probably put a hold on All Along The Watchtower, at least until I'm able to get a quick edit in.
So, that's all why people probably won't be seeing anything from me, beside the occasional quick chapter of Darth Bane or The GNR Transcripts, which I can usually write within an hour if I'm motivated.
Until then, I'll probably post my thoughts on writing here, but it probably won't relate to fanfiction a super lot. We shall seeeeee.
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